Posted on: August 14, 2017 Posted by: ACT2endracism Comments: 0

Shree Paradkar at The Toronto Star writes:

Every day when I read news from around the world, I have occasion to feel thankful to be in Canada.
Yet, I was surprised this weekend to hear many Canadians, revolted by the events unfolding in Charlottesville, Va., say: At least we’re not as bad. In reality, our history, too, involves slavery, indentured labour, brutal oppression and colonization. Our country, too, has thriving right-wing extremism.
It’s not Canadian to be flashy and to shout out our deeds from the rooftops. The flip side of this modesty is, when history judges those actions to be misdeeds, we are able to dismiss them as trivial because they were not as glorified as they were down south.
The dismissal allows us to masks the past and ease our collective conscience.

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