About the Video Campaign

The goal of the video campaign is to counter disinformation and misinformation that has fueled anti-Asian sentiment, targeted assaults, and everything from micro aggressions to violent hate crimes in this challenging time. The ACCT Foundation in partnership with ACT2endracism, is seeking interested film makers or social media creatives to develop four digital graphic/video projects (each one being approximately 2 minutes in length). The topics for each project are:

  1. Model minority paradox
  2. Perpetual foreigner myth
  3. Yellow peril
  4. To be announced

The digital graphic or video will be made public and shareable as a community resource for promoting awareness and education, to further conversation and dialogue within our communities and with the general public, and to influence policy makers. The project will be made available on our organization’s website to share and will be promoted on social media and other platforms.

Learn more (.pdf)
